Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2. Khan AA*, Usmani A , ​Jose Luis Torero, (2021) Evolution of fire models for estimating structural fire-resistance. Fire Safety Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103367.
3. Khan AA, Domada RVV, Huang X, Ali Khan M, Usmani AS. Modeling the Collapse of the Plasco Building Part I: Reconstruction of Fire. Building Simulation 2021
4. Khan AA, Khan MA, Zhang C, Jiang L, Usmani A. OpenFIRE: An Open Computational Framework for Structural Response to Real Fires. Fire Technology 2021
5. Orabi MA, Khan AA*, Jiang L, Yarlagadda T, Usmani AS. Integrated Nonlinear Structural Simulation of Tall Buildings in Fire. Engineering Structures 2021.
6. Khan MA, Khan AA* , Usmani A, Huang X (2021) Can fire cause the collapse of Plasco Building: A numerical investigation. Fire and Materials, doi.org/10.1002/fam.3003.
7. Khan MA, Khan AA*, Ghazanfar Ali Anwar, Usmani A,(2021) Framework for fire risk assessment of bridges. Structures, doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.04.071.
8. Khan MA, Khan AA*, Domada R, Usmani A. Fire hazard assessment, performance evaluation, and fire resistance enhancement of bridges. Structures 2021;34:4704–14.
13. Khan AA, Khan MA, Usmani A, Huang X, Bakhtiyari S, Ashtiani MJ, et al. Framework for Fire Investigation of Tall Buildings: A Case Study of the Plasco Building. (Under Review).
14. Khan MA, Khan AA*, Cashell KA, Usmani AS. Response of restrained stainless steel corrugated web beams at elevated temperature. (Under Review).
15. Khan AA, Zhuojun N, Jiang L, Gupta V, Chen S, Ali Khan M, et al. Model characterisation of localised burning impact from localised fire tests to travelling fire scenarios. (Under Review).
16. Zhuojun N, Khan AA, Zhang X, Jiang L, Huang X, Usmani AS. Fire Spread and Burning Dynamics of Non-uniform Wood Cribs for Evolved Design Fire Scenarios. (Under Review).
17. Khan MA, Khan AA*, Katherine A. Cashell, Usmani AS. Response of restrained stainless steel corrugated web beams at elevated temperature, Structures 2022: (Under Review)
18. Khan AA, Khan MA, Usmani AS. An open-source and freeware software package for integrated simulation of structures in fire , Computers and Structures 2022: (Under Review)
“Lawyer can make any device legal , only engineers can make them safe"
Conference Papers
2. Orabi A, Khan AA, Khan M, Usmani A, (2019) An Overview of Openness for fire, OpenSEES Days Eurasia
3. Khan AA, Kim KY, (2014) Performance analysis of various geometrical shapes of microchannel heat sink using numerical simulation, NCFE Annual Conference
4. Khan AA, Kim KY, (2013) Performance analysis of various geometrical shapes of microchannel heat sink, KSFM Annual Conference
5. Khan AA, Zhuojun N, Jiang L, Zhang M, Chen S, Ali Khan M, et al. Heating impact of localised burning in large compartment fires. AOSFST 2021 – 12th Asia-Oceania Symp. Fire Sci. Technol., The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 7-9 December 2021;
6. Zhuojun N, Khan AA, Jiang L, Chen S, Usmani AS. Thermal response of steel beam subjected to idealised travelling fires. AOSFST 2021 – 12th Asia-Oceania Symp. Fire Sci. Technol., The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 7-9 December 2021;